The Senate on Thursday afternoon rejected
rival Democratic and GOP plans for extending the cut. The failure was
expected, cueing the House to step in with a new plan.
Details of that proposal, expected to be
unveiled in full on Friday, suggest its Republican authors are preparing
for a showdown with President Obama. The bill includes a controversial
provision to move along the construction of an oil pipeline from Canada
to Texas -- the Obama administration recently put that project on hold
until after the 2012 election, citing environmental and safety
The provision pertaining to the Keystone
pipeline helped sweeten the deal for House conservatives skeptical of a
payroll tax extension.
Rep. Lee Terry, R-Neb., told Fox News that a
number of Republicans who were on the fence said they would vote for
the bill if it includes the Keystone pipeline provision.
House Speaker John Boehner said Thursday he's confident Republicans are ready to move on the proposal.
But Obama explicitly has said he will reject
any effort to tie the Keystone pipeline construction to the tax
extension. His allies echoed that message Friday.
"It's a non-starter," House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said.
Her top deputy, Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., urged Republicans to "reconsider" the Keystone language.
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney warned Republicans not to include "extraneous attachments" in the bill.
"Whatever happened to Republicans being for
tax cuts?" Carney asked. "Is it because this one goes to 160 million
Americans, middle-class working Americans, that they're ambivalent or
they're willing to oppose it if they don't get some political scalp? Is
it because President Obama supports it, or Democrats support it?"
At stake is a cut in the Social Security tax valued at about $1,000 a year for the average family.
The rate was lowered from 6.2 percent to 4.2
percent for 2011, but that expires at the end of the year without
action by Congress. Obama has called for extending the cut, and
increasing it by another percentage point. He also wants Congress to
extend unemployment insurance.
But while Congress appeared to be heading
once again toward gridlock, the House could be in a position to try to
corner the Senate.
House leaders could be poised to hold a vote
on the bill, as early as next week, and then send their members home
for the holidays -- in turn forcing the Senate to decide between their
bill and no bill. This would then force a confrontation between the
Senate and the White House.
Terry said he thinks there's a "high" likelihood the House will try to stick the Senate with their version of the bill.
"Frankly, the fact that the president
doesn't like it makes me like it even more," said Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, a
leader of House conservatives, who added he had supported an earlier
version, as well.
According to sources, the House bill's price tag clocks in at between $175 billion and $180 billion.
At its core, the emerging House bill would
extend the existing Social Security payroll tax cut at the heart of
Obama's jobs program, through 2012. It also would renew an expiring
benefit program for the long-term unemployed the president also favors,
although at a reduced level from current law.
In addition, Republicans are proposing to
avert a 27 percent cut in payments to doctors serving Medicare patients,
a provision that Democrats have said privately they are receptive to.
The emerging House bill also is expected to
block implementation of a proposed Environmental Protection Agency
regulation limiting toxic emissions from industrial incinerators,
another potential area for dispute with the White House.
While there is general agreement among
leaders of both parties that the legislation must be paid for to avoid
raising deficits, there are differences over the details.
Democrats favor imposing a surtax on incomes
over $1 million, hoping to depict Republicans -- nearly all of whom are
opposed -- as protecting millionaires at the expense of the middle
House Republicans want to raise premium fees
on the wealthy for Part B Medicare, a change that they note would fall
on many of the same people the Democrats want to tax.
The House bill also would freeze pay for two additional years for federal retirees and increase their retirement costs.
Also in the measure is the repeal of nearly
$43 billion already approved for the year-old health care law, which
stands as Obama's signature domestic achievement.
There was no suspense in the Senate on
Thursday, where blocking maneuvers left rival payroll tax plans short of
the 60 votes needed to advance for the second consecutive week.
The vote on the Democrats' plan was 50-48,
with Sen. Susan Collins of Maine the only Republican in favor. It would
lower next year's payroll tax to 3.1 percent, financed mainly by the
millionaire surtax.
The Republican measure was turned aside
22-76. A majority of Republicans opposed it, reflecting the party's
internal divisions. That measure would leave next year's payroll tax at
4.2 percent, paid for largely by freezing salaries and cutting the size
of the federal workforce.
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